Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How's my Christmas Tree lQQk?

This would not have happened if I had just kept my mouth shut, I set the curse in motion..

Once upon a time there was this very nice looking fake tree that once stood proud in the formal living room(aka the museum) at my parents house..which we joke about and call the White House..well then it met its final Christmas there.....from there it went to live at my younger sisters house,which was short lived (2 seasons) so she asks me "ya want it" I say "sure"so home it came neatly packed in the super large plastic tote, this past summer.

So Thanksgiving day this year we are sitting around talking about when we will all put up our trees...and will we go real or fake...I speak up and say "money is a little tight this year so we will be using the fake one that once stood proud here in the museum"..but I could not leave it there I just had to be a smart ass and say.."and like all things I get from Betsy(sister) it will most likely be missing a part.....YUP it sure is....14 branches and just the top.... Fear not it got packed into the box with her tree...road trip tomorrow...

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