Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where has the time gone!!

Well I am a little behind on the blog updates, so here is what is new all wraped up in a nut shell...
The new house is almost liveable....its just takes an act of congress to get the mortgage company to give you some of the insurance money to do the work...but by friday we should be able to live and work in the house....It is rather butt biting cold in the camper with the temps getting down to low 30's at night...

my oldest son has safely returned from his second Iraq deployment and I do hope it is the last....he will now get to be with his baby girl that he has only met for 2 weeks while home on R& soon as the internet is at the new house I will be able to post the progress pics of the house ....Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers ...better wish it to you all now who knows when I will get back on here.....LOL

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

So glad your son is home safe!!! Thank him for his sacrifice of service!!! Glad you are almost in your home. I check often, and was glad to see your update!! May the holidays be even sweeter with you all reunited!!! :)