Monday, June 15, 2009

Another month has passed

Well it has now been 2 plus months since the house fire and a lot has happened but not much with the house...still dealing with insurance hope to have construction under way in July..was in a slight car accident...I was stopped in traffic but the man behind me thought otherwise...1200. in damage to my van but all is well it was fixed 2 weeks later and I had mild whiplash and my 3 year old never woke in his car seat.....
the 2 weeks with my son were great it was hard to see them off so I did not go to the airport I have posted my favorite pic called daddys first kiss...hope is well with all that stop to read..

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Oh wow!! Glad you are your son are okay!! Seems like everything happens at once. Hope you had a sweet time with your older son. I'm sure it was very hard to let him go again. Your countdown is a little longer than mine, we're closing in :) Hope the rest of your summer is a lot more enjoyable!!