Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fire update

Just a quick updateon our fire we will be getting settled soon in the 36' camper soon the power and water are just waiting to be connected, we have retained a lawyer to help us with the insurance negitions...first estimate was rather low and would not cover the costs of the materials we hope to start the domolition as soon but it looks like it will be the middle of May...just as my sone and wife will be here for a visit...which will be well deserved , he is in Iraq and she will be flying in from Missouir with my first grandchild Ava...who I cant wait to kiss a million times..I will try and get the pics posted for you all to see the progress, just not enought time in the day for things..

Monday, April 6, 2009

I have hit a slight speed bump

Hello readers...I just wanted to let everyone know that I have hit a slight speed bump in my life recently...well its was more like a sink hole...but we are getting things somewhat in order....On March 23,09 at 3:30 pm I was just getting ready to go outside when I looked up and there was somoke comming out of the wall.....we were on fire....I was and still am surprised at how well I did...I called 911 and reported the fire....I grabbed my cell phone car keys winter jackets and ran out side to gather up the little guy.....his dad was just getting home from work and we did the one thing they tell you not to do....we went back in the house.....with the 3 year old locked in the van with the dog...I went in to get shoes and some of my sons clothes....the other went in to save his hunting collection of rifles and deer mounts......I made 2 trips to save the clothes 1 for the TV and on the last on in I was able to save the computer.....the smoke and flames wereso far advanced we just waited for the fire dept.....who arrived 7 minutes after my call ....they were wonderful...
The house was gutted and most of the contents were lost....but we are all safe pets also survived and were all found.....I will keep this updated as much as possible to let all follow in the progress of the rebuild..